I've been watching (and reading) Inuyasha, and many of Hayao Miyazaki's movies for the past few weeks. And everytime I seem to doodle, nowadays, something anime/manga-related would be the result. Here is one sketch I seem to be quite proud of (I'm not very good at art, so I tend to be proud of non-impressive things):
This was a sketch from science class (oops).
Considering this post is about self discoveries, it's safe to say that I'll be sharing what my latest muses have been
1. Anime/Manga (we already discussed this)
2. Animation
3. Coding (HTML/Dreamweaver/Programming): I'm considering computer sciences/ software engineering as a major from this.
4. Neuroscience: The thought of brainwaves and technology makes me really excited to the point I would consider both as part of a future career.
5. Writing: I've been writing sad and bad poetry that I seem to like.
6. Music: I don't know about others, but everytime I catch a new melody with some words in my head, I tend to record and save it into a stash somewhere in my computer. It's weird.
7. Typography: I have a little passion for card making and drawing words. It makes me really happy.
In general, I tend to be really bad at what I like and I really can't be stopped.
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